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Friday, February 25, 2011

Foods to avoid during pregnancy

Foods to avoid during pregnancy.

Do you know why woman's diet and lifestyle while pregnant is callsed fetal programming? Researchers have discovered that a mother's diet  can alter her child's gene fuctions without changing the DNA sequence, which plays  a large role in the child's susceptibility to depression, diabetes and even cancer!
Dear ladies! If you want your babies be healthy then follow our foods to avoid tips:

Listeriosis caused by the bacteria listeria monocytogenes is very dangerous during pregnancy.
To reduce the risk of listeriosis infection you should avoid some foods during pregnancy :

* Raw and undercooked meats
* Luncheon meats including deli meats like turkey, salami, ham and bologna unless reheated to steaming
* Soft cheeses like Feta, Brie, Camembert, Roquefort, blue-veined, and Mexican-style cheeses
* Refrigerated smoked salmon, trout, whitefish, cod, tuna and mackerel
* Raw unpasteurized milk or foods that contain unpasteurized milk

Listeriosis infection presents with flu-like symptoms but can easily progress to meningitis and blood infections

E-Coli and salmonella cause food poisoning and very dangerous for pregnant ladies. Please avoid the following foods:
* Raw vegetable sprouts such as alfalfa, clover, and radish
* Unpasteruized fruit and vegetable juices
* Fish and shellfish from coastal waters

The vomitting and diarrhea that occur with food poisioning can lead to more serious complications such as dehydration. You should contact  your care provider immediately if you're worried you have food poisoning.

Methyl mercury is caused by environmental pollution. Methyl mercury can cause infant death, cerebral palsy, birth defects, and developmental delays.
Fish carry methyl mercury. While small fish with short life spans contain can be safely eaten by pregnant women, fish with longer life spans are not safe. Fish with longer life spans are: shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish.  Fish with shorter lifespan should be limited to twelve ounces a week.

Toxoplasmosis caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii is very dangerous for pregnant ladies. It may be transmitted via raw or undercooked meats or in cat fecal matter. Toxoplasmosis causes mild, flu-like symptoms in pregnant women. There is 30-40 percent chance she will pass the infection to her baby. Infection in babies can lead to visual, hearing, or central nervous system problems. To avoid toxoplasmosis:

*  Make sure you fully cook all meat
*  Try not to eat rare or medium-rare steak or hamburger
*  Avoid ingesting any raw meat juices when cooking foods

Larissa Kislova, 
certified nutritionist,
book appointments at 604-937-0051