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Thursday, July 14, 2011

3D Ultrasound Summer Promotions

Enjoy OUR SPECIALS: Thursday only - Boy or Girl - 39.99$, 4D Coolor Discovery package + CD - 99$, 4D Gold Deluxe package - 129$

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

3D Sono Image introduces Vince Ziccarelli

Vince Ziccarelli MSc. RD FICN.
Vince has his Masters of Sciences degree in nutrition and metabolism from the University of Alberta. He is a Registered Dietitian and a Fellow of the International College of Nutrition.Vince is a leading expert in Integrated nutrition. Integrated Nutrition Therapy helps clients with weight loss, prenatal and postnatal health, hormonal and digestive health. His approach combines the best of science and holistic wellness to help clients get the results they are looking for. His programs are balanced, practical, sensible and work with any ones’ lifestyle.
The Nutrition Wellness Medic
 • One on one nutrition sessions                                                 
• Professional prenatal and postnatal nutrition assessments
• Personal weight loss programs that work with your metabolic rate
• Personal menu plans that will help you reach your wellness goals
• Complete nutrition assessments detailing your intake of cals, fats, protein, vitamins, minerals and strategies to
correct imbalances
• Professional guidance to help you select the best health supplements
• Customized nutrition plans to help correct hormonal imbalances and improve digestive health
To book an appointment call
604-468-7999 or email

Friday, June 3, 2011

3D Ultrasound

We are experts in 3D Ultrasound.
If you are looking for top quality images and videos of your baby, life-time sweet memories, a valuable baby shower gift - 3D Sono Image is the best choice for your 3D Ultrasound experience.

Thursday special: Pink or blue - 39.99$, 3D/4D Discovery package CD with images and video clips and 2 glossy color pics - 100$, Gold deluxe complete Package (CD, DVD, 2color pics) - 149$. For more info please visit: or

call any time: 604-468-7999

Personalized professional service, beautiful facility, and best prices will make your bonding 3D/4D Ultrasound experience with us lovely and unforgettable. Highly Experienced ARDMS Registered Technician (Lady), Specializing in 3D & 4D Technology performs your scan.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What to expect from your 3D Ultrasound experience at 3D Sono Image

Father’s day for Daddy-to-be | 3D Ultrasound

3D ultrasound at 3D Sono Image  makes an unforgettable experience and  perfect gift for the first Father’s Day.
Gender Assessment -Thursday  Special - $39.99.
Discovery Package - $89.00.  Gold Deluxe 4D Complete Package - $149.00.  
  Visit us on line:  or call 604-468-7999

Sunday, April 3, 2011

 High levels of amniotic fluid can cause complications in pregnancy. The amniotic fluid is part of the baby’s life support system . It protects your baby and aids in the development of muscles, limbs, lungs and the digestive system. Amniotic fluid is produced soon after the amniotic sac forms, about 12 days after conception. It is first made up of water that is provided by the mother.

Looking for the best baby names?

Taking Medicine During Pregnancy

While some medications are considered safe to take during pregnancy, the effects of other medications on your unborn baby are unknown. Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to medications you take while you are pregnant, especially during the first trimester, a crucial time of development for your baby.

Due Date Calculator

Congratulations, you're pregnant! Now - when will your
new baby arrive?

To estimate your due date, enter the date when your last
menstrual period began (the first day), click on Calculate,
and voila!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

3D Ultrasound

3d ultrasound Langley

3D Ultrasound Coquitlam | 3D Sono Image

3D Ultrasound Coquitlam | 3D Sono Image

3D Ultrasound Langley | 3D Sono Image

3D Ultrasound Baby 32 Weeks

3D Ultrasound video of Baby 32 weeks

3d ultrasound video of baby 28 weeks

Just 250 years ago, we had no idea about what went on inside the womb to produce a baby. A new exhibition called Making Visible Embryos shows how all that changed

Friday, February 25, 2011

Foods to avoid during pregnancy

Foods to avoid during pregnancy.

Do you know why woman's diet and lifestyle while pregnant is callsed fetal programming? Researchers have discovered that a mother's diet  can alter her child's gene fuctions without changing the DNA sequence, which plays  a large role in the child's susceptibility to depression, diabetes and even cancer!
Dear ladies! If you want your babies be healthy then follow our foods to avoid tips:

Listeriosis caused by the bacteria listeria monocytogenes is very dangerous during pregnancy.
To reduce the risk of listeriosis infection you should avoid some foods during pregnancy :

* Raw and undercooked meats
* Luncheon meats including deli meats like turkey, salami, ham and bologna unless reheated to steaming
* Soft cheeses like Feta, Brie, Camembert, Roquefort, blue-veined, and Mexican-style cheeses
* Refrigerated smoked salmon, trout, whitefish, cod, tuna and mackerel
* Raw unpasteurized milk or foods that contain unpasteurized milk

Listeriosis infection presents with flu-like symptoms but can easily progress to meningitis and blood infections

E-Coli and salmonella cause food poisoning and very dangerous for pregnant ladies. Please avoid the following foods:
* Raw vegetable sprouts such as alfalfa, clover, and radish
* Unpasteruized fruit and vegetable juices
* Fish and shellfish from coastal waters

The vomitting and diarrhea that occur with food poisioning can lead to more serious complications such as dehydration. You should contact  your care provider immediately if you're worried you have food poisoning.

Methyl mercury is caused by environmental pollution. Methyl mercury can cause infant death, cerebral palsy, birth defects, and developmental delays.
Fish carry methyl mercury. While small fish with short life spans contain can be safely eaten by pregnant women, fish with longer life spans are not safe. Fish with longer life spans are: shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish.  Fish with shorter lifespan should be limited to twelve ounces a week.

Toxoplasmosis caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii is very dangerous for pregnant ladies. It may be transmitted via raw or undercooked meats or in cat fecal matter. Toxoplasmosis causes mild, flu-like symptoms in pregnant women. There is 30-40 percent chance she will pass the infection to her baby. Infection in babies can lead to visual, hearing, or central nervous system problems. To avoid toxoplasmosis:

*  Make sure you fully cook all meat
*  Try not to eat rare or medium-rare steak or hamburger
*  Avoid ingesting any raw meat juices when cooking foods

Larissa Kislova, 
certified nutritionist,
book appointments at 604-937-0051

Monday, January 24, 2011

Why Images can be Hazy

 it's very well  explained Why Images can be Hazy 

Images can be Hazy for a number of reasons. The 3 most common reasons are:

Placenta - The baby can be close to the placenta. The ultrasound waves still need to penetrate through the placenta (which is like a pillow) and can sometimes cause some haziness. The placenta cannot be moved out of the way. We hope you know of some ways to get your baby to move away from the placenta, but we still do our best to get you the best pictures as possible.

Amniotic Fluid - If the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby is cloudy, the 3d images will be hazy. This is why it is important to drink water throughout your pregnancy - not just the day of your ultrasound. Every 48 hours, the amniotic fluid is flushed. Therefore, if you can keep your amniotic fluid as clear as possible by drinking water, you will obviously end up with clearer pictures. Likewise, if your baby is running out of room and there is a lack of amniotic fluid surrounding it, the images can oftentimes be hazy.

Maternal Tissue - We recommend heavier women to come during a later stage in the pregnancy. Ultrasound waves need to pass through the mother's skin and underlying cells before it gets to the uterus and the fetus. The more tissue it needs to pass through, the more the ultrasound waves are bounced around (refracted), and the images bounce back as hazy. The less tissue the ultrasound waves need to pass through, the more direct the route from the probe to the fetus and back to the probe, resulting in clearer images.

Even so, your baby is very precious. Even the haziest of images are amazing to us!
Reprinted from this website: